Thursday, August 2, 2018


Until I can help myself I can't help anyone
My personal perceptions are my own
My feelings are my own
No one has the power to make me think, feel,nor do anything with out my allowance
My life is not mine it is borrowed the taking of which would be theft
I have very limited control beyond myself and my person
If you can't find something to laugh about it's not the situation it's you
Even an atheist prays
If it's in the dictionary it isn't swearing it's opinion
There's only one judge and you ain't it
Not even Christ was the same after his reserection

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


It's not empire building if over half the population of a country moves to another country . The refugee and ilegal migration is asking for the u.s to expand . Mexico has sent a huge delegation across the border asking for us to call for it's statehood.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Smoke free should mean smoke free. if I walk out of my apartment and smell pot your smoking. If I have to listen to some one bitch about my tobacco you have to listen to me bitch about your plants too. My choice has been held up by Kings . yours has been questioned by pirates

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Part of the problem with ptsd is trying to control your behavior triggered by your flashbacks.I'm not saying that triggers are an excuse because quite literally dealing with them are like handling your thoughts.if their from inside of you whether past or present they are yours no one elses .your behavior is your own .trigger or not to blame a internal process for lack of self discipline is bull.we are socialized to cast blame on others.if others are not around we cast on all else. It's bull.i am the soul person responsible for my issues .stop blaming and casting externals as anything but a rock didn't break the window by it self but the one that threw it was triggered right? A broken mind is responsible for what the body it lives in does.not the "trigger" not the "flashback".