Thursday, July 28, 2011

it's our house

if the feds ran their own households the way they run the country they would be on the streets. so why are they running our house this way? and we just keep playing like nothings happening oh thats right mommy & daddy don't talk about the bills in front of the kids. mean while every other house is up for sale but ours because we own the bank right? well we bailed out the banks because we let them follow what the feds taught them. if we have no money we have none but if the feds have no money it's ok to go deeper in debt. go figure teach children to be like the fed & see how many people need the programs that get cut to go deeper in.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


have you ever thought every time yoy go out of your cave your selling something ? your selling yourself. it's true every friend or lover you've ever had you've sold yourself to in some way. we are constantly buying & selling each other but claim virtue because it's not on store shelves. but listen to how we talk "meat market". i knew a guy who actually presented a list of his girlfriends at a job interview.