Friday, October 17, 2014


Do we make it too easy? When our kids turn 18 should we just kick them out here's your papers see y'all when you produce grandkids for us to spoil. My girlfriends kid just turned 18 and anything we try to do to help she says we're making it harder but we let her do it on her own and we're abandoning her. How do y'all deal with it?

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Well it turns out Facebook is now the official obituary page. If you're going to leave this world the whole world will know by a Facebook post hopefully the game updates don't flood out the news.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

We are born into families but it's not an easy fit so we seek outside to see if we fit elsewhere. But we still hold out hope that someday the family we were born to will be what the one we made is no matter how flawed.